The Film and Media minor is dedicated to exploring the relations between media, power, and social justice by integrating film and media theory, history, and creative practice. The program gives students a unique set of analytical and practical skills, which students combine to forge creative and original scholarship in Film and Media Studies. During the semester, students are invited to attend a number of exclusive events to further their knowledge of Film and Media Studies. The program encourages all forms of film and media scholarship including screenplays, podcasts, written essays, and experimental shorts. Furthermore, the program hosts a number of guest lectures, giving students the opportunity to learn from Oscar nominated directors, Hollywood producers, world renowned documentarians, and film festival directors.

Sophomores in the College, the School of Foreign Service and McDonough School of Business are eligible to apply for the Film and Media Studies minor.

The Film and Media Studies Program offers a number of courses from basic introduction courses to advanced practical and theoretical studies. Students are encouraged to follow their own interests in the minor, whether that is primarily creative or theoretical. On top of a number of X-listed courses offered every semester, Film and Media Studies offers specialized courses on film studies and filmmaking.

The Film and Media Studies Minor application process takes part during the spring semester. Applications open January 1, 2025. The deadline is February 17, 2025.

The application requires a brief (500 word) essay about your interest in Film and Media Studies and an outline of how you plan to complete the minor in your junior and senior year. You also need one faculty member who knows you to act as a reference.

Strong applicants should explain how they’ve demonstrated their passion or interest in Film and Media Studies, whether through an internship, previous course work, or participation in events.

There are no courses FMST requires you to take before you begin the minor. However, all courses that are X-Listed FMST will provide you with valuable insight into Film and Media Studies. A list of courses that are X-Listed FMST can be found on our website under the courses tab.

Yes. However, Students who plan to study abroad in Fall 2024 should arrange to take substitute courses for FMST 1100: Gateway to Film and Media Studies and FMST 1181: Intro to Filmmaking. Students who plan to spend a whole year abroad should consult with the Program Director prior to applying.

Yes, film and media courses taken abroad may count towards the minor with the Director’s approval. Typically, only one course taken abroad can count towards the minor.

Usually students complete all the requirements for the minor in their junior and senior year. Students may, however, request that a course taken in their first or sophomore year retrospectively count towards the minor.

Students admitted to the Program normally have four semesters to complete the minor. In their junior year, FMST minors take:

  • FMST-1100: Gateway to Film and Media Studies
  • FMST-1181: Intro to Filmmaking
  • Social Justice requirement

In their senior year, students enroll in Capstone Course: FMST-4970 in the fall and FMST- 4971 in the spring.

The total requirements for the minor are:

  • FMST-1100: Gateway to Film and Media Studies (or, if abroad, a substitute course approved by the Director that functions as an introduction to Film and Media Studies)
  • FMST-1181: Intro to Filmmaking (or, if abroad, a substitute course approved by the Director that emphasizes media creation)
  • Social Justice requirement (approval by the Director)
  • An elective of the student’s choice
  • FMST-4970 and FMST-4971: 6-credit, yearlong Capstone course

You can email Sky Sitney at rs1542@georgetown.edu or stop by the Film and Media Studies Office in New South, rm 156A for more information.